Redford Shows Che Guevara Film in Cuba
ロバートレッドフォードの新作映画「The Motorcycle Diaries」をゲバラの遺族が試写で絶賛。
Finadlaw Reuter 2004/01/25
HAVANA (Reuters) - Robert Redford showed his new film about Che Guevara, "The Motorcycle Diaries," to the widow and children of the legendary guerrilla fighter on Sunday."I came to present the film that I produced on Che Guevara and I am very happy to be in Cuba," Redford told Reuters before the private screening at Havana's Charles Chaplin cinema.He watched the film with Guevara's widow, Aleida March, son Camilo and daughters Celia and Aleidita, as well as Ramiro Valdes, a top military commander in Cuba's communist government who fought with Guevara and Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra mountains.The film, directed by Brazilian Walter Salles, is based on the diaries Guevara wrote on a nine-month bike trip through South America in 1952 when he was an asthmatic 23-year-old medical student."The film is excellent," his widow Aleida, who provided the diaries to the film-makers, said after the screening.・・・・・・・・・